Whenever you sense something unusual is happening with your hydraulic equipment, it is important to take the time to determine the underlying cause rather than proceeding to work as normal. By being proactive with your maintenance whenever you become aware of a potential problem, you can avoid significant costs in repairs further down the road.
Here are three of the most common symptoms of problems found in hydraulic parts in Minnesota and what their underlying causes usually are.
High temperatures of fluids
If fluid temperatures exceed 180 degrees Fahrenheit, you can quickly run into problems with damaged seals and faster fluid degradation. If you notice the temperature rising above that mark, you should stop the work, as continued operation could actually be detrimental to the job.
There are a number of potential causes for high fluid temperature. Anything that increases the heat load of the system or somehow diminishes its ability to dispel heat could elevate the overall temperature of the fluid. Hydraulic systems dispel heat through their reservoirs, which means you should regularly maintain and check the fluid level in the reservoir, ensuring it is constantly at the proper level.
Air can also generate heat when compressed. Therefore, aeration enhances the amount of heat in the hydraulic system. If vapor cavities are forming in the fluid, they are getting regularly compressed and heated, which can increase the overall fluid level.
Finally, high fluid temperatures could be caused by core blockage. Regularly check the heat exchanger to make sure everything is flowing as it should be.
Unusual noises
Strange noises are a warning sign for any piece of equipment, and hydraulic systems are no exception. Most of the time, these strange noises are caused by cavitation or aeration. Aeration happens when air seeps into the hydraulic fluid and contaminates it. Contaminated fluid makes a loud clanging and banging noise as the air in it is compressed and then decompressed.
One of the most common causes of aeration (which in turn leads to these noises) is too much air seeping through intake lines. You should regularly check the condition of these lines and keep all fittings and clamps as secure as possible.
Equipment operating slowly
Usually slowing performance is one of the first signs that there is something wrong with hydraulic equipment. Cycle times could become longer, operation could become slower and your productivity will be negatively affected. Usually a loss of speed indicates that there is something inhibiting flow throughout the system.
Flow can seep out through hydraulic circuits in leakages. External leakages are typically easy to find, as they are often located at burst hoses. Internal leakages, however, can be very difficult to pinpoint, as they tend to be in the pump, actuators or valves.
This is a very cursory overview of these three symptoms and their causes, so if you experience any of these problems with your hydraulic parts in Minnesota, you should reach out to the trained specialists at M & M Hydraulic Company for more detailed information and assistance.